Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
Two Met Police dogs left in unventilated vehicle die
Two Metropolitan Police dogs - a German Shepherd puppy and a working Belgian Malinois - have died after being left in an unventilated private vehicle.
Officers, who forced their way into the vehicle after being alerted, found both dogs collapsed on Sunday.
They were taken from the dog training centre in south-east London to an emergency vets, where both later died.
An inquiry into the incident has begun and the Independent Police Complaints Commission has been made aware.
The RSPCA, also investigating the incident at Keston, near Bromley, where temperatures reached almost 30C on Sunday, advised people not to leave dogs in vehicles "for any length of time" during hot weather.
'Tip of iceberg'An RSPCA spokeswoman said: "Every year, the RSPCA receives about 6,000 calls from members of the public worried about dogs that have been left in cars during hot weather.
"But this may only be the tip of the iceberg and many cases may be unreported.
"Even when it is just 22C outside, the heat in a car can rise to 47C within 60 minutes," she said.
The RSPCA reminded dog owners that leaving a window open or a bowl of water in the car makes little difference.
The spokeswoman added: "All dogs will suffer although some are more prone to heatstroke than others. Those which are old, young, short-nosed, long-haired, overweight, heavily muscled or with certain health conditions are more at risk."
Yorkshire Attack
The 23-year-old, of College Bank, was walking home from Hollingworth Lake with a friend at about 10pm last Tuesday when they passed a group of men. As they walked past Christopher, a sales assistant with the Co-op, was punched from behind.
He said: "I was walking home with a friend and the next minute I was punched from behind.
"I turned around and looked at the amount of people that were there and just thought it was a good idea to get out. I was in an awful lot of pain straight away, but I didn’t realise that something was wrong till I got back to my flat.
"Half-an-hour later I’d had an x-ray and it showed a great big crack down my jaw.
"I’ve had titanium plates fitted in my jaw with screws holding them in for the rest of my life.
"After the operation my face was yellow and swollen.
"I’m struggling to eat. They’ve put me on a cocktail of drugs, because of the amount of pain."
Police are investigating the assault.
The attacker was part of a large group of Asian men.
He is described as an Asian man 5ft 8ins tall, slim build with black hair and a goatee beard.
He was wearing a black cap, along with black trainers, black hooded top and dark blue jeans.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Britain: No North African Refugees
Economic opportunists are fleeing the not-so-glorious Arab Spring to make their way to Europe or beyond by any means necessary. They have been swamping the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa for weeks as a step toward Europe and some have been accepted on the continent.
We have already heard rumors that Washington may take some number of the absconding freedom fighters to this country:Does Obama Plan to Welcome Dangerous Libyan Refugees to America? That would be a terrible decision for national security reasons as well as economic (as in, no spare jobs), so let’s hope Obama is too busy campaigning for re-election to welcome any extraneous Muslim refugees.
Britain, on the other hand, has been making noises that the era of big immigration is over, particularly since the reports of the Labour Party shenanigans to diversify the population. Many of these immigrants have turned out to be hostile to Western values, to say the least.
This just in from the British government: no welcome mat will be forthcoming for North Africans calling themselves refugees. Or so the government says now.
UK Is “Closed to War Refugees”, Daily Express, April 23, 2011
BRITAIN will not open its borders to migrants fleeing the turmoil in North Africa, the Home Secretary has insisted.
Theresa May told her EU counterparts that the UK was not prepared to take on any “burden sharing”. Ms May issued her warning at a meeting of Europe’s Home Affairs ministers in response to calls for help from Italy.
She did however offer “practical assistance” to Italy on its own shores.
A Home Office spokesman said: “We were quite robust in stating that we are not planning to open our borders to those coming to Europe from North Africa. We do not agree with ‘burden sharing’ which is what Italy wants.”
More than 25,000, mainly Tunisians, have arrived in Italy since the unrest there and thousands of Libyans, Egyptians and other Africans are expected to make the crossing as border controls in war-torn Libya fail.
The tiny Sicilian island of Lampedusa is swamped by thousands of migrants arriving by the boatload every day.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has pleaded with EU colleagues to help ease the pressure on his country by accepting some of the new arrivals.
Tensions are also building between Italy and France after French border guards turned back Tunisian migrants who were trying to leave Italy. As well as France, it is thought that Germany, Holland, Austria and Belgium are reintroducing border checks.more from ltg
Well lets see if the current goverment holds true to there words ,,,close the borders and stop this madness now ,,,,,FUCK OFF WERE FULL WE DONT WANT YOU
Singing National Anthem 'could be illegal'
Community safety minister Roseanna Cunningham yesterday said that such songs and gestures could be regarded as offensive acts when she was questioned about the SNP's anti-sectarian bill being fast-tracked through parliament.
She said: "A sign of a cross is not in itself offensive, but I suppose in circumstances such as Rangers and Celtic fans meeting each other on a crowded street, it could be construed as something offensive."
Ms Cunningham's failure to rule out fans being arrested for singing the National Anthem was described as "worrying" by opposition politicians, who warned that there was a "potentially explosive loophole" in the legislation.
Senior figures in the legal fraternity urged the government to adopt a "common sense" approach to its Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill.
Concern that people could be at risk of being dragged through the courts for singing the National Anthem came as police questioned whether the £500,000 the government has set aside to implement the legislation would be enough.
Conservative justice spokesman John Lamont asked the minister if she could envisage the singing of either the National Anthem or Flower of Scotland "becoming offensive behaviour within the act?" Ms Cunningham replied: "The glib answer to that is 'no, of course not'. But the problem is, for a criminal offence, it is all the facts and circumstances that surround that, that may turn them (sic] into problematic."
She added: "Perhaps it might have been more appropriate to, say, look at Rule Britannia, which I understand is one (song] frequently used on one side of the terraces. Now, I would not regard (that song] as offensive, but it is exactly why we don't start defining which songs, and listing the songs … it really is a matter of facts and the circumstances of the case whether something is or is not offensive."
She went on to suggest that Celtic fans making the sign of the cross could also be judged offensive. "I have seen hundreds of Celtic fans (behave] in a manner which I can only describe as aggressive - making signs of the cross, gesticulating across an open area to Rangers fans."
The new law is being rushed through Holyrood before the parliament rises for the summer recess in less than two weeks. The speed with which it is being examined by MSPs has raised fears among lawyers that it will not be scrutinised properly.
The bill outlaws religious, homophobic and racist abuse by fans at, and on the way to and from football matches. It is also designed to crack down on fans spreading bigoted abuse on the internet. Under the legislation, those found guilty of the new offences of "offensive behaviour" or "threatening communications" can expect sentences ranging from a £40 fixed penalty to a five-year prison sentence or unlimited fine.,,,,WELL A BIG THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO VOTED FOR THE SNP IN MAY ELECTIONS ?NOW YOULL SEE YOUR FREEDOMS TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU PEACE BY PEACE ,THE SNP WOULD RATHER GIVE AND HELP ILEGAL IMIGRANTS ARRIVE AND FLOURISH IN OUR BEUITIUFAL LAND THAN SEE ITS OWN TRUE FOLK ENJOY AND HAVE THE RIGHTS TO SING WHAT EVER THEY WANTED ,WHAT THE FUCK IS DEMOCRACY ???????STEPH88 ED 14WORDS SCOTLAND
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Refugees set to sue Australia for millions for psychological damage
Mehrnoosh Yousefi reflects on the depression that her husband and son suffer from their experiences in Woomera and Baxter detention centres. Pic Ben Searcy
- Detainees to sue Government over detention
- Claim psychiatric harm caused by trauma
- More people in detention than ever before
AUSTRALIAN taxpayers are facing multi-million dollar compensation payouts to current and former asylum seekers who claim they suffered trauma and psychological damage in detention.
Legal and medical sources told The Daily Telegraph scores of detainees were preparing claims against the Australian Government and detention centre operators Serco and G4S.
Revelations of the damages claims come at the worst possible time for the Federal Government, with tension in detention centres rising through overcrowding as the number of detainees hits a record high.
Among those making claims are Iranian Mehrnoosh Yousefi and her adult son, who have both been granted refugee status.
Mrs Yousefi's husband, former Iranian oil industry engineer Parviz Yousefi, achieved notoriety when he sewed his lips together and attempted suicide several times while in detention at Woomera between 2001 and 2004.
In 2008 Mr Yousefi was reportedly awarded a record damages payout of more than $800,000 for psychological damage suffered in detention.
Dr Zachary Steel, senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of NSW, said that he had been told of multiple pending lawsuits.
"There are a number of cases going through at the moment," he said.
He also had "heard discussions of class actions".Dr Steel said the basis for most of the lawsuits was psychiatric harm caused by trauma experienced in detention, including riots, self-harm and, in some cases, allegations of mistreatment by inmates and centre operators.
There were also cases where detention resulted in injury, pain and suffering.
Mrs Yousefi has lodged a claim in the NSW Supreme Court on behalf of herself and her son against four parties, including the Commonwealth of Australia and G4S.
Slater & Gordon's Bill Madden confirmed the pair had claimed detention had "resulted in serious psychological damage".
Mr Yousefi suffered horrific experiences after being separated from his wife and son while in detention, resulting in self-harm.
Mrs Yousefi was quoted in 2008 as saying her husband would never work again and would require medical care for the rest of his life.
In some cases asylum seekers have made claims for lost earnings during and since their detention, citing factors such as an inability to concentrate and the need for ongoing medical treatment.
There are also believed to be workers compensation claims involving psychological and physical trauma concerning staff at the centres.
A spokesman for federal Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said last night: "It wouldn't be appropriate to comment on legal cases before the courts."
The psychiatric damage of detention
AUSTRALIA has more people in detention centres than ever before.
Latest figures - for May - show detainee numbers have grown over the past two years to just under 6800.
Detainees are also spending more time in centres ill-equipped to handle them. University of NSW expert Dr Zachary Steel said that, since detainee numbers burst through the 2000 mark about 18 months ago, centres had become "trauma-inducing" settings.
Dr Steel's research found that, after six months in detention, asylum seekers started "to get a really harmful mental health outcome".
The Government's latest figures show just under 4400 detainees - 65 per cent - have been in detention for a minimum of six months.
"I am almost certain more than 80 per cent of detainees will be found to be genuine refugees," Dr Steel said. "We will create a burden for society because of huge psychiatric damage."
"Is It is bad policy - and it doesn't deter people from coming."
Friday, 24 June 2011
Oslo: ALL Assaults involving Rape commited by Non-Western Men
Video: Police Report - All Assault Rapists in Oslo Follow Muhammad
Arutz Sheva 24 June 2011
By Gil Ronen
Defenders of Islam call it a "religion of peace" but many Norwegian women are learning that Islam is the religion of rape.
According to an amazing police report released there this month, every single solved case of assault-rape in the country in 2010 was carried out by a Muslim immigrant. The report was cited by an official Norwegian television station, which interviewed a victim who said that her rapist explained to her that his religion permits him to rape her.
"In 2005, the blogger Fjordman reported on a similar rape wave in Sweden. A crime prevention study that year reported that Algerians, Libyans, Moroccans, and Tunisians ‘dominate the group of rape suspects,’ he reported. The same year, the newspaper Aftonbladet reported that nearly half of all rapists were immigrants.”
EDL Attack Defenceless Aids Victim Roddy Moreno

On Saturday. “Rage against Racism” – An all day Event at “The Well” (Chorley Street, Leeds) with ‘The Oppressed’ headlining.
It was attacked around 2.30pm by a group Claiming to be The EDL. During the week leading up to the event, posts were made on the Rage Against Racism Facebook page regarding turning up to the gig.
During the attack, the homosexual lead singer of the Oppressed Roddy Moreno, who at the time was changing into his "skinhead" costume for the evening, was physically and verbally abused by two children who were accompanying the EDL mob.
A press statement released by Roddy quotes him as saying "it was a very scary incident, I had just taken of my sneakers to put some big boots on and they attacked, I screamed and screamed but nobody came to help me! I was within an inch of loosing my life when one of the attackers fathers picked up the girl and carried her off, it was a very scary affair!"
When the police quizzed the security present at the time on why they didnt come to Roddys aid, they replied; "we didnt know he was in trouble, he often has little boys in his dressing room and thought the screams were nothing out of the norm although in hindsight it was odd he had a little girl".
Despite suffering a broken nail and having his make up bag crushed, Roddy valiantly still went on stage and played the gig to an assorted crowd of students, gays and local care in the community supporters.
The fash will never stop me shouted Roddy defiantly as he steamed into a cover of the Scissor Sisters hit "I dont feel like dancing", just like a real skinhead!
There is a forgotten word - nay almost forbidden, that means more to me than any other, that word is - England.
Violent Muslim gangs controlling UK prisons and radicalising other priso...
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Denmark passes law for automatic deportation of criminal immigrants
vladtepesblog 21 June 2011
– Tired of being told to be ashamed of the achievements of your
ancestors…the creators of our nation and civilization?
– Disgusted with the endless “diversity” propaganda?
– Fed up with black-on-White crime?
– Sick of BRITTISH money and lives being thrown away on jew-
promoted wars, like Iraq, that only benefit Israel?
– Revolted by race-mixing?
– Outraged by the non-White invasion of YOUR COUNTRY
– Unwilling to become a minority in your own country?
Then join the revolution… White Revolution!
We seek a paradigm shift in our values, a revolutionary worldview in our people,
and a fundamental change in the form and focus of our governing bodies. The
government of the THE UNITED KINGDOM, as well as all other formerly White
controlled countries, seeks to deny Whites the right to White neighborhoods, White
communities, White schools, White associations, and all other cultural tools
necessary for the survival of our race.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Skinhead Magazine (in english) # 9

The story goes further with more well known bands such as Kratky Proces, Utok, Excalibur, Buldok and Conflict 88 which play even nowadays. It’s really an interesting read, very informative, full of factology and the report will continue in next two issues of the zine. As an addition there is interview with the person behind the Crime Pride webzine. To sum it up another excellent work from Poli, a must have for every Czech/Slovak skinhead who respects the history of his native scene. As an end I must confess that this magazine is a great inspiration for me and NS Revolt web blog!,,,,,, A BIG THANKS TO NS REVOLT FOR THIS POST ,,,,HAIL BULGARIA
news from our european white brothers
Neo-Nazi ideas not illegal, Spain's Supreme Court says
All were condemned by a regional court to sentences that range till 3 years of prison for spreading publications that minimize the so called Holocaust, promoted the III Reich and talked about the discrimination of blacks and homosexuals, and for being part of an illegal association with a paramilitary section.
50 per cent of Britons are GERMAN
It may come as a shock to those fond of quoting a world cup triumph and the outcome of two wars as signs of British superiority.
Scientists say that around half of Britons have German blood coursing through their veins.
Anybody who paid attention in their history lessons knows that tribes from northern Europe invaded Britain after the Romans left in around 410AD.
But research by leading geneticists reveals the extent to which the Germans became part of the nation's racial mix.
Together with archaeologists who have spent years on sites in the UK, they conclude that 50 per cent of us have some German blood.
Biologists at University College in London studied a segment of the Y chromosome that appears in almost all Danish and northern German men – and found it surprisingly common in Great Britain.
Analysis of tooth enamel and bones found in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries supported these results.
Hengist and Horsa were two Germanic brothers who arrived on the south-east corner of England in 449 AD.
They are credited with leading the Angle, Saxon and Jutish armies that first conquered the Celts.
The siblings were called to Britain by the Celtic King Vortigem to defend his people against enemies including the Picts.
For their services, they were given the island of Thanet to live on.
However, following a series of falling-outs with the locals, they gradually came to own more and more land that eventually became known as the Kingdom of Kent.
Indeed, Hengist is traditionally named as the founder of the Kingdom of Kent.
German archeologist Heinrich Haerke believes 'up to 200,000 emigrants' crossed the North Sea, pillaging and raping and eventually settling.
The native Celts, softened by years of peace under the Romans, were no match for the raiding parties from across the North Sea.
Pottery and jewellery similar to that found in grave sites along the Elbe River in northern Germany has been unearthed in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries here.
There is also evidence the settlers remained in contact with relatives on the Continent for up to three generations.
The findings have caused a certain amount of gloating in Germany.
'There is no use in denying it,' wrote news magazine Der Spiegel. 'It is clear that the nation which most dislikes the Germans were once Krauts themselves. A number of studies reinforce the intimacy of the German-English relationship.'
Anglo-Saxon is a catch-all phrase to refer to the invaders of the fifth and sixth centuries AD.
Angles came from the southern part of the Danish peninsula and gave their name to England and the Saxons came from the north German plain.
There were other tribes – such as the Jutes, from Jutland, who settled in Kent.
The Anglo-Saxons drove the Britons into Cornwall, Wales and the North, but a few centuries later faced waves of invaders themselves – Vikings from Scandinavia and then the Normans in 1066.
Monday, 20 June 2011
PERM - How they're keeping Americans out of a Job
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Friday, 17 June 2011
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
central scotland national front june meet,
On Tuesday the 14th of June in Dunfermline,the Central Scotland Unit
held a meeting.Some new members were in attendance.A new treasurer was
voted in and the new logos will be voted in at the next meeting.
We discussed the distribution of 2500 leaflets in the 3 units,but all
agreed to help the Aberdeen branch leaflet their area first due to the
bi election.We also discussed purchasing a press for making T -
shirts,will find out more next meeting .Mike Coyle has officially left
,his resignation was accepted by the Central Scotland Unit.
Finally a special thank you to all the new faces that attended and
hope they will come back to future meetings. every meeting we have seen new
faces and as our ranks start to grow it fills with honour and pride to know our
message of hope is being heard by the white working class of scotland and uk .
the message of the 14 words and to shout out loud ,
we want our country back ,, post by steph88 14 words scotland blog
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Russia's Winter Olympics slips into controversy over 'Nazi images'
Russia's Winter Olympics slips into controversy over 'Nazi images'
Billboard adverts for elite housing complex at Sochi 2014 games uses 'neo-Hitlerite' imagery from infamous design agency, say critics.
A promotional campaign linked to the 2014 Winter Olympics is stirring debate in Russia because of its use of allegedly "fascist" imagery.
The campaign employs images of blue-eyed, blond sportsmen and women which have been described by critics as "neo-Hitlerite" and "like something from a Leni Riefenstahl film".
Images of an Aryan-looking snowboarder and an ice-skater gazing into the middle distance dominate giant billboards in Moscow and feature on the cover of brochures to advertise Gorky Gorod, an elite housing complex being built at Krasnaya Polyana near Sochi on Russia's Black Sea coast. The complex is a private-public partnership which will be the Olympic media village at the 2014 Games.
"Without doubt the authors of this advertising were inspired by Nazi art," said Ekaterina Degot, a well-known art historian and former curator at the State Tretyakov Gallery.
When the billboards were put up, the Russian art collective Voina, itself known for its controversial painting of a 65-metre penis on a drawbridge in St Petersburg, tweeted: "On Pushkinskaya Square opposite Gap, there is a huge advertisement, openly fascist in style, for elite housing in Sochi."
Degot and others said the style and pose of the subjects in the images was heavily suggestive of Nazi art which stresses racial purity and superiority.
Continued - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011...cs-nazi-images
Saturday, 11 June 2011
28 Croatia: Centurion singer crosses to dark side
Thursday, 9 June 2011
bh gig list for 2011
MARCH 19th - Violent Storm mem, Westlands Div
APRIL 30th - St Georges day, Central Div
JULY 9th - 12th july gig, Westlands Div
JULY 23rd - West Mids Debut Gig
AUGUST 20th Andrew Stinko Lewis Mem, H Div T.B.C
SEPTEMBER 16-17th I.S.D Memorial
OCTOBER 29th Halloween, Manc Div
NOVEMBER 19th St Andrews Day, Highlander Eastcoast T.B.C
DECEMBER 3rd White Xmas, H Div,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,remeebr to check with your local bh div as dates may change and venues cancelled but the gigs allways go ahead ,,hail blood and honour 28