Sunday, 29 May 2011
'My sister vanished - I can't believe she's dead'
Seven years ago, teenager Charlene Downes disappeared. Now police suspect she was the victim of a sex ring targeting young girls. Her sister Becky and mum Karen describe the agony of losing her
By Charlotte Gill
May 29, 2011
Becky Downes will never forget the last time she saw her younger sister Charlene. After an afternoon shopping and eating McDonald's, the 14 year old hugged her goodbye, then skipped down the street with two friends towards the bright lights of Blackpool pier.
She was wearing black jeans and a diamond-print sweater she'd borrowed from Becky, and looked just like any other teenage girl. Carefree, happy, innocent. Becky, now 23, had no idea her sister had already been sucked into the town's seedy underbelly, where organised gangs of men groomed teenage girls for sex. And she never suspected that this was the last time she'd lay eyes on her.
That was November 1, 2003, and Charlene has not been seen since. Her body has never been found.
"When Charlene vanished that day, a massive hole opened in our lives. We were always inseparable," says Becky, who was 16 at the time.
"I was involved in a car crash when I was nine, and ended up on a life-support machine. When I came out of the coma, I couldn't even tie my own shoelaces, but Charlene did everything for me. She was so caring, she helped me recover. Who would have wanted to hurt her? I couldn't understand it."
The answer was even more horrific than Becky could have imagined. Three years after Charlene's disappearance, a detective superintendent told the devastated Downes family that he was 99.9 per cent sure she had been murdered.
By then, police suspected Charlene had fallen victim to Blackpool's secret sex ring of older men plying young girls with cigarettes, drugs and alcohol in return for sexual favours. And detectives have since uncovered the appalling sexual abuse of dozens of girls like her.
Preying on young girls
Now it has emerged that at least 60 schoolgirls were groomed for sex by a Blackpool gang. Police suspected that the children were targeted at a series of fast-food outlets - and offered chips and vodka in return for sex.An unpublicised police report produced after Charlene disappeared alleged that the girls had been victims of a gang of mainly Middle Eastern men who met them through takeaway joints, or "honeypots" as police describe them. Police believe that the men systematically groomed girls - mostly aged between 13 and 15 - for sex.
This shocking report has only just come to light, after being uncovered by The Times. It includes accusations from the police that the problem had been denied by agencies for years for fear of being accused of racism.
The investigation, however, came too late for Charlene. Two men were arrested in connection with her alleged murder, but were later cleared of any involvement. The general evidence that emerged during their trial in 2007 shook her family to its core.
If I stop thinking she's alive, I'll crack
"We wish we could have stopped her from going out that night, that we could have protected her. But we had no idea what was going on.
"About 13 girls, all similar in age to Charlene, gave evidence to allege they had been given food, alcohol and cigarettes in return for sex with men they met at takeaways. I thought Blackpool was a nice town. I was dumbfounded.
"It broke my heart, seeing these young girls describe how they were given the date-rape drug GHB in drinks and were woken up after they'd been abused. One of them said Charlene was plied with vodka, and would give sexual favours in exchange for chips," adds Karen.
"It made me feel sick to the stomach. I had to leave the court and throw up in the toilet when I heard that. How could anyone do that to our little girl? How could anyone abuse a child like that? It's disgusting.
"The court case lasted 13 weeks and it was sheer hell. I had to run from the court when I heard some of the details.
"The prosecution floated a theory that Charlene had been strangled and put through a mincing machine before burying her remains. Someone even apparently joked that she'd gone into the kebabs. To hear that my daughter could have died like that was unbearable.
"I couldn't bring myself to go into court for a few days after that but then I forced myself to return for Charlene's sake. I would have felt like I was letting her down otherwise."
No new leads
The trial ended with the jury failing to reach a verdict and a scheduled retrial collapsed in 2008. Both the accused men were formally cleared of murder and of helping to dispose of Charlene's body. They denied ever knowing Charlene, and each of them was paid almost £250,000 in compensation for malicious prosecution.The murder investigation is ongoing into other possible suspects, but so far police have no new leads. The only hope is new evidence will emerge so they can get justice for Charlene.
The Downes family moved from Wolverhampton to Blackpool 10 years ago. Karen and her husband Bob, 49, wanted to raise their four children somewhere safe, somewhere idyllic. The seaside resort seemed perfect and they soon settled into a three-bedroom terrace on Blackpool's north shore, just a few minutes walk from the Golden Mile.
Their dream life seemed complete. Until the day in November 2003 when Charlene disappeared into the crowd with her two friends, Natalie and Natasha. At around 9pm, they said goodbye to Charlene as they were babysitting for a friend, and she told them she would go home. But she never arrived.
Even now, Becky holds on to the belief that her little sister is alive.
"If I let go of that little feeling of hope, I'll crack," she says. "I carry the guilt around with me constantly. If I didn't leave her that day, would it have happened? It's on my mind 24/7. This November marks eight years since she disappeared, but I can't move on. I can't let go."
Struggling to live in the shadow of her missing sister, Becky had to give up her job in admin. Her parents have also floundered. Bob, a security doorman, is currently off work sick. Karen, who used to work as a club promoter in town, can't cope with work either. Charlene's other two siblings - Emma, 26, and Robert, 19 - are both scarred by their sister's disappearance.
The police have made it clear that they think Charlene is likely to have died the night that she vanished.
"Charlene was quite immature for her age and impressionable," says Karen. "Perhaps she was drawn to the buzz and excitement, like young girls can be.
"But I'd never smelled drink on her and she wasn't a drug addict. She was a giggly, cheeky young girl."
Charlene's legacy
After Charlene's disappearance, one of Britain's first multi-agency sexual exploitation projects, Awaken, was set up to target attackers in the town and offer support to vulnerable young girls."I think parents and girls are now much more aware because of the Awaken project and because of what happened to Charlene," says Karen.
"The tragedy of Charlene is a lesson. I just pray no other family has to go through what we've suffered.
"Charlene wasn't a bad kid. She went out at night but she'd always be back when we told her to be, usually by 10.30pm.
"I think she was killed because someone made her do something she didn't want to do and she threatened to tell the police. She's the sort to fight back. She'd have reported him. I think she was killed in anger."
Most child sex offenders in Britain are white men, usually acting alone. But the allegations about a Blackpool sex ring suggested a totally different kind of offender.
In a town that is over 95 per cent white, many of the men said to be grooming these girls were of Middle Eastern origin.
A former senior Lancashire police officer cited "concerns about upsetting community cohesion" to explain the reluctance of authorities to publicly accept the very specific offender profile for a long time.
"If someone has done wrong, it doesn't matter whether they are black, white or whatever," Karen says angrily. "I think it's disgusting that it was kept quiet for so long."
I just pray no other family goes through this
Since 1997, there have been 17 court cases across northern England in which gangs of men have been tried for preying on girls aged 12-15. A total of 56 men have been convicted of a number of crimes including child abduction, indecent assault and rape. Of those, 50 men were Muslim and most were of Pakistani origin.
A national inquiry was launched earlier this year into the findings. Detective Chief Inspector Alan Edwards, from West Mercia police, has called for an end to the "damaging taboo" surrounding gang-led grooming.
"These girls are being passed around. To stop this type of crime you need to start talking about it, but everyone's been too scared to address the ethnicity factor."
Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, a national Muslim youth organisation, says: "These people think that white girls have fewer morals and are less valuable than our girls. This is a form of racism that is abhorrent and totally unacceptable in a society that prides itself on equality and justice."
The bottom line for Charlene's family, however, is that her killers remain at large. Justice still eludes them and the lack of answers has left them devastated.
"Without Charlene's body and without someone jailed for her murder, there's no closure," weeps Karen. "We live our lives in limbo. We had a bench put up in Stanley Park in the town in memory of Charlene, because we had nowhere to go. It's in a beautiful spot overlooking a lake.
"We go there for every birthday, every Christmas and the date she went missing to take flowers and remember her for an hour or so. She used to love going there with her dad as a little girl to feed the ducks. And on her birthday, all the family come over and we have a cake and toast her."
But they refuse to give up hope. "We want justice for Charlene," says Becky. "We want to find her."
- For further advice and information, contact Missing People on 020 8392 4590 or Missingpeople.org.uk.
The other victim?
Charlene isn't the only young girl to disappear in Blackpool. In August 2007, 15-year-old Paige Chivers (left) also vanished after storming out of her family home following a row.
Paige regularly visited local fast-food outlets, and detectives suspect she was another victim of sexual grooming, exploitation - and murder.
In one of their biggest investigations, police interviewed over 2,800 people, and took 1,200 statements. A £12,000 reward was offered but, despite several arrests, no one has been charged.
Like Charlene, Paige's body has never been found.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
He smashed a man’s jaw with pliers..then pulled his teeth out
But asylum for Mugabe torturer
Published: Today
A MURDERING henchman of Robert Mugabe who has been given UK asylum once smashed a man's jaw with pliers and wrenched out his teeth.
It is just one of a string of horrific tortures Phillip Machemedze enjoyed inflicting on Mugabe's opponents.He stripped one man naked and told him he would be forced to have sex with his daughters if he did not talk.
Machemedze, 46, also gave a white farmer electric shocks then beat him almost unconscious - and whipped a woman before pouring salt on her wounds.
A British tribunal heard the ex-bodyguard helped "slowly kill" members of Zimbabwe's opposition MDC party whose limbs were then hacked off.
Thug's home ... in Bristol
Mr Justice David Archer admitted Machemedze was "deeply involved in savage acts of extreme violence." But he added: "Whatever crimes he has committed, he cannot be returned to face the highly likely prospect of torture and execution without trial."
Labour MP Kate Hoey, head of the Commons All Party Group on Zimbabwe, said: "This is a shocking decision. Asylum is for people who are at risk from despots, not for people like him."
Brutalised ... a Mugabe victim
He quit the CIO and arrived here in July 2000. Wife Febbie, 40, followed a year later.
They left three children behind. They have not been harmed.
<SCRIPT language='JavaScript1.1' SRC="http://ad-emea.doubleclick.net/adj/N530.ContextWeb/B5547117.5;abr=!ie;sz=300x250;click=http://cdslog.contextweb.com/CDSLogger/L.aspx?q=C~521281~3251~57059~123104~68780~3~427~3~thesun.co.uk~2~8~0~0~2~1~9URVU8vzp912WoYp6qKXW5V4G4KwfaZq2Ia9w_An_x4^~69~2~qAGYoqmZJBEl~xJJrlK1CwI7m~1~1~1~~;ord=1849896472?"> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT> <A HREF="http://cdslog.contextweb.com/CDSLogger/L.aspx?q=C~521281~3251~57059~123104~68780~3~427~3~thesun.co.uk~2~8~0~0~2~1~9URVU8vzp912WoYp6qKXW5V4G4KwfaZq2Ia9w_An_x4^~69~2~qAGYoqmZJBEl~xJJrlK1CwI7m~1~1~1~~http://ad-emea.doubleclick.net/jump/N530.ContextWeb/B5547117.5;abr=!ie4;abr=!ie5;sz=300x250;ord=1849896472?"> <IMG SRC="http://ad-emea.doubleclick.net/ad/N530.ContextWeb/B5547117.5;abr=!ie4;abr=!ie5;sz=300x250;ord=1849896472?" BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 ALT="Advertisement"></A> </NOSCRIPT>
Machemedze and Febbie, who live in Fishponds, Bristol, arrived on six-month visas. Their initial asylum claim was rejected amid garbled accounts of how and why they came here.
Machemedze claimed he had been a double agent for the MDC.
Zimbabwe human rights lawyer Irene Petras said: "This sends the message you can violate human rights and negotiate protection."
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3601006/Murdering-henchman-of-Robert-Mugabe-given-UK-asylum.html#ixzz1NRQLYH1t
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
THE LAST SURVIVOR OF HITLER’S DOWNFALL - THE FUHRER'S BODYGUARD GIVES LAST INTERVIEW Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/246754/The-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interviewThe-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interview#ixzz1NHB7fWIrStory Image Rochus Misch is the last living witness of Hitler's suicide Sunday May 15,2011 By Stefan Schnoor and Boris Klinge Comment Speech Bubble Have your say(1) FORMER SS officer Rochus Misch, the last surviving member of Hitler's inner circle is terminally ill. Misch, the Fuhrer's bodyguard gives his final interview... IN A Berlin suburb, just a few miles from Hitler’s Führer bunker is a small, white detached house with a grey metal gate and crumbling plaster. It has, for many decades, been the home of Rochus Misch, the man who worked as Hitler’s bodyguard between 1940 and 1945. He is the last living witness of the dictator’s suicide and the only surviving member of the bunker’s staff. Now 93, housebound and terminally ill, Misch says: “This is definitely going to be my last appointment with the press. I would now like to die in peace.” There are no photos, busts or personal objects of Adolf Hitler in Misch’s home. “My wife Gerda threw everything away,” he says. Misch was born on July 29, 1917, just after his soldier father died in the First World War. In 1920 his mother died of pneumonia so young Rochus was raised by his grandparents. When he finished school, he trained to be a painter. In 1937, during the physical examination for the army, the suggestion was made that he complete his compulsory military service in the Verfügungstruppe (Dispositional Troops), a precursor of the Waffen-SS. It would be four years of service free of fatigue duty and with automatic acceptance into the civil service. On September 24, 1939, Misch was shot in the chest during the Battle of Modlin, 30 miles north of Warsaw in Poland. He tried to negotiate the surrender of the Polish stronghold and received an Iron Cross, Second Class for his bravery. Misch’s conscientiousness was held in high regard and, after his recovery, his company commander Wilhelm Mohnke recommended him for the Führerbegleitkommando (Führer’s SS escort). “I was put in a car and taken to the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. The address: Wilhelmstrasse 77, the residence of the Führer,” remembers Misch. SEARCH for: “I was led in by Hitler’s chief adjutant, Wilhelm Brückner. I was scared of meeting the Führer in person. Adolf Hitler was standing behind the door as the chief adjutant opened it. I went ice cold.” Hitler gave him a letter to be given to his sister Paula in Vienna and so Rochus Misch set off on his first courier trip. “That was my first personal encounter with the Führer. He wasn’t a monster or a superhuman. He stood across from me like a completely normal man with nice words.” Rochus Misch was Adolf Hitler’s telephonist, courier and bodyguard for five years. As a telephonist, he was responsible for Adolf’s communication with his generals. “Hitler’s telephone number at the Reich Chancellery was 12 00 50,” he says and is clearly proud of his good memory. In the SS he was in Adolf Hitler’s personal Bodyguard Regiment. When Misch married his wife Gerda in 1942, Hitler sent the couple a case of wine. His past was not that of a Hitler fanatic. “I never had anything to do with the Nazi Party, I wasn’t in the Hitler Youth and yet there I was in the innermost circle, day and night. We telephonists and bodyguards were always around him. Another 22 steps past me and you were in his bedroom.” As the war progressed Misch got to know his employer personally. “Hitler got cold very easily and often took a hot water bottle to bed with him,” he remembers. One particular incident remains crystal clear in recollection. “It was the middle of the night. In the belief that Hitler had already gone to bed, I opened the door to his living room to get something from there. He was sitting there, his chin buried in his hands, motionless, as if in a trance. “He was staring at an oil painting of Friedrick the Great that was flickering in the candlelight. He always took it with him when he travelled. I felt like an intruder who had interrupted someone in the middle of prayer.” However, Misch insists that he never heard anything about the mass murder of millions of European Jews in any of the phone calls he listened in on. “I completed my work, loyally and well and passed on news and messages correctly because I didn’t want to be thrown out. I was happy to not have to be on the front line. I adapted to the work there and soon Hitler was just a normal person to me, he was the boss. “Just once I read one piece of news saying that an international committee controlled the concentration camps and that the reports were given to Count Bernadotte [a Swedish diplomat and negotiator on behalf of concentration camp prisoners]; that was all on that subject.” Misch witnessed the attempted assassination of Hitler on July 20, 1944 and also the last days in the bunker below the Reich Chancellery before the Führer’s suicide. He was there on April 30, 1945 when Adolf Hitler said goodbye to everyone and was in the room next door when he shot himself. “Hitler had long since lost his confidence of a victory.” He saw the uncovered corpse and also Eva Braun sitting dead in the corner of the sofa next to her husband’s body. Her head was turned towards him. “Her knees were drawn up to her chest, she was wearing a dark blue dress and had white ruffles on her collar.” After Hitler’s death Misch was divided. He wanted to try to flee from the Russians but on the other hand he didn’t want to desert. He wanted to end his service to the “Führer, people and fatherland” in the proper manner. So, on May 1, 1945, he asked Joseph Goebbels if there was anything left for him to do. Goebbels left him with the words: “We have understood how to live, we will also understand how to die.” On May 2, 1945, at 6am Misch disabled the telephone system in the Führer’s bunker and left through a window in the cellar but was taken prisoner by a Russian soldier. Because of his closeness to Hitler, he was flown to the Soviet Union and incarcerated in the Moscow military prison Butyrka. He was often tortured prompting him to write to intelligence chief Lavrentiy Beria and request death by firing squad. “They wanted to beat me to death but because I was a soldier I asked them to shoot me. The letter is there in the archive,” says Misch. After nine years in a Soviet work camp near the Urals and in Kazakhstan, his time as a prisoner of war was over and he was released in 1954. Until his retirement in 1985 he ran a shop supplying paints, paintbrushes, wallpaper and decoration supplies. “Since the death of my wife in 1997 I have lived alone,” adds Misch. With the death of Hitler’s aide Otto Günsch, in October 2003, he became the last eyewitness from the inner circle of the Third Reich. The deaths of staff officer Bernd von Freytag-Loringhoven in 2007 and Hitler Youth courier Armin Lehmann in 2008, meant he had become the last survivor from the Führer’s bunker. In 2012 his book The Last Witness will be filmed in Hollywood at a production cost of £12million. The contracts have supposedly been signed already but Misch thinks it is unlikely he will see the finished film. “I don’t think I’ll live that long,” he says. “I can see death right before my eyes.” Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/246754/The-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interviewThe-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interview#ixzz1NHBS1m1TStory Image Rochus Misch is the last living witness of Hitler's suicide Sunday May 15,2011 By Stefan Schnoor and Boris Klinge Comment Speech Bubble Have your say(1) FORMER SS officer Rochus Misch, the last surviving member of Hitler's inner circle is terminally ill. Misch, the Fuhrer's bodyguard gives his final interview... IN A Berlin suburb, just a few miles from Hitler’s Führer bunker is a small, white detached house with a grey metal gate and crumbling plaster. It has, for many decades, been the home of Rochus Misch, the man who worked as Hitler’s bodyguard between 1940 and 1945. He is the last living witness of the dictator’s suicide and the only surviving member of the bunker’s staff. Now 93, housebound and terminally ill, Misch says: “This is definitely going to be my last appointment with the press. I would now like to die in peace.” There are no photos, busts or personal objects of Adolf Hitler in Misch’s home. “My wife Gerda threw everything away,” he says. Misch was born on July 29, 1917, just after his soldier father died in the First World War. In 1920 his mother died of pneumonia so young Rochus was raised by his grandparents. When he finished school, he trained to be a painter. In 1937, during the physical examination for the army, the suggestion was made that he complete his compulsory military service in the Verfügungstruppe (Dispositional Troops), a precursor of the Waffen-SS. It would be four years of service free of fatigue duty and with automatic acceptance into the civil service. On September 24, 1939, Misch was shot in the chest during the Battle of Modlin, 30 miles north of Warsaw in Poland. He tried to negotiate the surrender of the Polish stronghold and received an Iron Cross, Second Class for his bravery. Misch’s conscientiousness was held in high regard and, after his recovery, his company commander Wilhelm Mohnke recommended him for the Führerbegleitkommando (Führer’s SS escort). “I was put in a car and taken to the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. The address: Wilhelmstrasse 77, the residence of the Führer,” remembers Misch. SEARCH for: “I was led in by Hitler’s chief adjutant, Wilhelm Brückner. I was scared of meeting the Führer in person. Adolf Hitler was standing behind the door as the chief adjutant opened it. I went ice cold.” Hitler gave him a letter to be given to his sister Paula in Vienna and so Rochus Misch set off on his first courier trip. “That was my first personal encounter with the Führer. He wasn’t a monster or a superhuman. He stood across from me like a completely normal man with nice words.” Rochus Misch was Adolf Hitler’s telephonist, courier and bodyguard for five years. As a telephonist, he was responsible for Adolf’s communication with his generals. “Hitler’s telephone number at the Reich Chancellery was 12 00 50,” he says and is clearly proud of his good memory. In the SS he was in Adolf Hitler’s personal Bodyguard Regiment. When Misch married his wife Gerda in 1942, Hitler sent the couple a case of wine. His past was not that of a Hitler fanatic. “I never had anything to do with the Nazi Party, I wasn’t in the Hitler Youth and yet there I was in the innermost circle, day and night. We telephonists and bodyguards were always around him. Another 22 steps past me and you were in his bedroom.” As the war progressed Misch got to know his employer personally. “Hitler got cold very easily and often took a hot water bottle to bed with him,” he remembers. One particular incident remains crystal clear in recollection. “It was the middle of the night. In the belief that Hitler had already gone to bed, I opened the door to his living room to get something from there. He was sitting there, his chin buried in his hands, motionless, as if in a trance. “He was staring at an oil painting of Friedrick the Great that was flickering in the candlelight. He always took it with him when he travelled. I felt like an intruder who had interrupted someone in the middle of prayer.” However, Misch insists that he never heard anything about the mass murder of millions of European Jews in any of the phone calls he listened in on. “I completed my work, loyally and well and passed on news and messages correctly because I didn’t want to be thrown out. I was happy to not have to be on the front line. I adapted to the work there and soon Hitler was just a normal person to me, he was the boss. “Just once I read one piece of news saying that an international committee controlled the concentration camps and that the reports were given to Count Bernadotte [a Swedish diplomat and negotiator on behalf of concentration camp prisoners]; that was all on that subject.” Misch witnessed the attempted assassination of Hitler on July 20, 1944 and also the last days in the bunker below the Reich Chancellery before the Führer’s suicide. He was there on April 30, 1945 when Adolf Hitler said goodbye to everyone and was in the room next door when he shot himself. “Hitler had long since lost his confidence of a victory.” He saw the uncovered corpse and also Eva Braun sitting dead in the corner of the sofa next to her husband’s body. Her head was turned towards him. “Her knees were drawn up to her chest, she was wearing a dark blue dress and had white ruffles on her collar.” After Hitler’s death Misch was divided. He wanted to try to flee from the Russians but on the other hand he didn’t want to desert. He wanted to end his service to the “Führer, people and fatherland” in the proper manner. So, on May 1, 1945, he asked Joseph Goebbels if there was anything left for him to do. Goebbels left him with the words: “We have understood how to live, we will also understand how to die.” On May 2, 1945, at 6am Misch disabled the telephone system in the Führer’s bunker and left through a window in the cellar but was taken prisoner by a Russian soldier. Because of his closeness to Hitler, he was flown to the Soviet Union and incarcerated in the Moscow military prison Butyrka. He was often tortured prompting him to write to intelligence chief Lavrentiy Beria and request death by firing squad. “They wanted to beat me to death but because I was a soldier I asked them to shoot me. The letter is there in the archive,” says Misch. After nine years in a Soviet work camp near the Urals and in Kazakhstan, his time as a prisoner of war was over and he was released in 1954. Until his retirement in 1985 he ran a shop supplying paints, paintbrushes, wallpaper and decoration supplies. “Since the death of my wife in 1997 I have lived alone,” adds Misch. With the death of Hitler’s aide Otto Günsch, in October 2003, he became the last eyewitness from the inner circle of the Third Reich. The deaths of staff officer Bernd von Freytag-Loringhoven in 2007 and Hitler Youth courier Armin Lehmann in 2008, meant he had become the last survivor from the Führer’s bunker. In 2012 his book The Last Witness will be filmed in Hollywood at a production cost of £12million. The contracts have supposedly been signed already but Misch thinks it is unlikely he will see the finished film. “I don’t think I’ll live that long,” he says. “I can see death right before my eyes.” Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/246754/The-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interviewThe-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interview#ixzz1NHBS1m1T
Rochus Misch is the last living witness of Hitler's suicide
Sunday May 15,2011
By Stefan Schnoor and Boris Klinge
FORMER SS officer Rochus Misch, the last surviving member of Hitler's inner circle is terminally ill. Misch, the Fuhrer's bodyguard gives his final interview...
IN A Berlin suburb, just a few miles from Hitler’s Führer bunker is a small, white detached house with a grey metal gate and crumbling plaster.
It has, for many decades, been the home of Rochus Misch, the man who worked as Hitler’s bodyguard between 1940 and 1945. He is the last living witness of the dictator’s suicide and the only surviving member of the bunker’s staff.
Now 93, housebound and terminally ill, Misch says: “This is definitely going to be my last appointment with the press. I would now like to die in peace.”
There are no photos, busts or personal objects of Adolf Hitler in Misch’s home. “My wife Gerda threw everything away,” he says.
Misch was born on July 29, 1917, just after his soldier father died in the First World War. In 1920 his mother died of pneumonia so young Rochus was raised by his grandparents. When he finished school, he trained to be a painter.
In 1937, during the physical examination for the army, the suggestion was made that he complete his compulsory military service in the Verfügungstruppe (Dispositional Troops), a precursor of the Waffen-SS. It would be four years of service free of fatigue duty and with automatic acceptance into the civil service.
On September 24, 1939, Misch was shot in the chest during the Battle of Modlin, 30 miles north of Warsaw in Poland. He tried to negotiate the surrender of the Polish stronghold and received an Iron Cross, Second Class for his bravery.
Misch’s conscientiousness was held in high regard and, after his recovery, his company commander Wilhelm Mohnke recommended him for the Führerbegleitkommando (Führer’s SS escort). “I was put in a car and taken to the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. The address: Wilhelmstrasse 77, the residence of the Führer,” remembers Misch.
“I was led in by Hitler’s chief adjutant, Wilhelm Brückner. I was scared of meeting the Führer in person. Adolf Hitler was standing behind the door as the chief adjutant opened it. I went ice cold.”
Hitler gave him a letter to be given to his sister Paula in Vienna and so Rochus Misch set off on his first courier trip. “That was my first personal encounter with the Führer. He wasn’t a monster or a superhuman. He stood across from me like a completely normal man with nice words.”
Rochus Misch was Adolf Hitler’s telephonist, courier and bodyguard for five years. As a telephonist, he was responsible for Adolf’s communication with his generals. “Hitler’s telephone number at the Reich Chancellery was 12 00 50,” he says and is clearly proud of his good memory. In the SS he was in Adolf Hitler’s personal Bodyguard Regiment. When Misch married his wife Gerda in 1942, Hitler sent the couple a case of wine.
His past was not that of a Hitler fanatic. “I never had anything to do with the Nazi Party, I wasn’t in the Hitler Youth and yet there I was in the innermost circle, day and night. We telephonists and bodyguards were always around him. Another 22 steps past me and you were in his bedroom.”
As the war progressed Misch got to know his employer personally. “Hitler got cold very easily and often took a hot water bottle to bed with him,” he remembers. One particular incident remains crystal clear in recollection. “It was the middle of the night. In the belief that Hitler had already gone to bed, I opened the door to his living room to get something from there. He was sitting there, his chin buried in his hands, motionless, as if in a trance.
“He was staring at an oil painting of Friedrick the Great that was flickering in the candlelight. He always took it with him when he travelled. I felt like an intruder who had interrupted someone in the middle of prayer.”
However, Misch insists that he never heard anything about the mass murder of millions of European Jews in any of the phone calls he listened in on. “I completed my work, loyally and well and passed on news and messages correctly because I didn’t want to be thrown out. I was happy to not have to be on the front line. I adapted to the work there and soon Hitler was just a normal person to me, he was the boss.
“Just once I read one piece of news saying that an international committee controlled the concentration camps and that the reports were given to Count Bernadotte [a Swedish diplomat and negotiator on behalf of concentration camp prisoners]; that was all on that subject.”
Misch witnessed the attempted assassination of Hitler on July 20, 1944 and also the last days in the bunker below the Reich Chancellery before the Führer’s suicide. He was there on April 30, 1945 when Adolf Hitler said goodbye to everyone and was in the room next door when he shot himself. “Hitler had long since lost his confidence of a victory.”
He saw the uncovered corpse and also Eva Braun sitting dead in the corner of the sofa next to her husband’s body. Her head was turned towards him. “Her knees were drawn up to her chest, she was wearing a dark blue dress and had white ruffles on her collar.”
After Hitler’s death Misch was divided. He wanted to try to flee from the Russians but on the other hand he didn’t want to desert. He wanted to end his service to the “Führer, people and fatherland” in the proper manner. So, on May 1, 1945, he asked Joseph Goebbels if there was anything left for him to do. Goebbels left him with the words: “We have understood how to live, we will also understand how to die.”
On May 2, 1945, at 6am Misch disabled the telephone system in the Führer’s bunker and left through a window in the cellar but was taken prisoner by a Russian soldier.
Because of his closeness to Hitler, he was flown to the Soviet Union and incarcerated in the Moscow military prison Butyrka. He was often tortured prompting him to write to intelligence chief Lavrentiy Beria and request death by firing squad. “They wanted to beat me to death but because I was a soldier I asked them to shoot me. The letter is there in the archive,” says Misch.
After nine years in a Soviet work camp near the Urals and in Kazakhstan, his time as a prisoner of war was over and he was released in 1954. Until his retirement in 1985 he ran a shop supplying paints, paintbrushes, wallpaper and decoration supplies. “Since the death of my wife in 1997 I have lived alone,” adds Misch.
With the death of Hitler’s aide Otto Günsch, in October 2003, he became the last eyewitness from the inner circle of the Third Reich. The deaths of staff officer Bernd von Freytag-Loringhoven in 2007 and Hitler Youth courier Armin Lehmann in 2008, meant he had become the last survivor from the Führer’s bunker.
In 2012 his book The Last Witness will be filmed in Hollywood at a production cost of £12million. The contracts have supposedly been signed already but Misch thinks it is unlikely he will see the finished film.
“I don’t think I’ll live that long,” he says. “I can see death right before my eyes.”
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/246754/The-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interviewThe-last-survivor-of-Hitler-s-downfall-The-Fuhrer-s-bodyguard-gives-last-interview#ixzz1NHBS1m1T
Monday, 23 May 2011
France wakes up!
Hello again from France! Here May started very well for the movement. On 8th May in Paris was held a rally organized by Serge Ayoub and his crew. The moto of the demonstration was "France is back" and it was against the capitalism and the Zionism.
It was attended by around 3000 people from different French organizations.There were few speeches and the first was made from the leader of RF (Renouveau Francais), after him was Pier Vial the President of TP (Terre et Peuple), after him was Robert Spiler - the chief of NDP (Nouvelle Droite Populauire), Eduard Klain the lieder of GUD (Groupe Union Defence) and the last one was Serge Ayoub. All the speeches were against the New World Order and the system.
The demo started from Avenue "Place Madulenne" and continue around one hour. There were people from France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Serbia, Russia, Switzerland, Belgium (and one Irish man :) .It was nice to see many families and mothers with children there, it seems the French people start to open their eyes.
The antifaschist made small counter demonstration, around 200 people and the most of them was illegal black immigrants.
The next week, on 14th May we went to Bordeaux to visit a Conference where we had the chance to speak about the problems in the movement and the system. The Conference was attened by around 50 people. After that we went to downtown for small demonstration in honour of Jeanne d`Arc.The parade start around 20:30h and finished around 22:30h in the statue of Jeanne d`Ark where the leader of RF(section Bordeaux) make speech about her life,sacrificial and the sick system.
Of course antifaschist try to stop our demonstration with fireworks, but the police beat them up and arrest them very fast (hahaha). Was funny for me to see this, because usually is us who got arrested. This antifashist made me to think, what kind of wanker you must be, when you try to stop demonstration for the biggest French hero! Anyway,they show us again what noicy little fuckers are they. Its important to mention,that in Bordeaux (the second red city in France),there wasn’t any nationalist demonstration for the last seven years! I just want to say to our to Antifa Bordeaux is: Watch your back,we are back!
At the same day there was a big demonstration in Lyon, against the Muslims organized by Jeuness Identitaire. It was visited of around 600 comrades and 1000 red scum.There were a lot of fights with the antifa,and no matter we were outnumbered,again they was with smashed faces (bad day for them :)).The day was bad and for one muslim restaurant,which was totaly broken by the comrades:). Seven antifa are in hospital and of course, noone from our side. Unfoutrunatly two comrades were arested and they gonna stay 3 monts behind the bars.
It seems the French people want to take their country back, getting stronger and united day by day. We wish them to keep fighting, nothing is lost yet.
NS Revolt reporter from France - “S. Blanche”.,,,f please note this link was took from another great white mans blog revolt ns the link can be found in link section of this blog please support this blog as well as all other blogs u find in my links ,we do the work so you can be kept informed about the truth and lies the zog traitors of our lands do not want to tell us ,,,hail white unity steph88 editor 14words of scotland blog spot ,central scotland national front and bff support blog
Police Hid More Muslim Paedophile Abuse because of Political Correctness
A police report that revealed the Muslim grooming of 60 white girls went unpublished due to fears of offending the Islamic community, it has been reported.
A police report that revealed the Muslim grooming of 60 white girls went unpublished due to fears of offending the Islamic community, it has been reported.
The report identified eleven takeaway shops in Blackpool that Muslim workers used as “honey pots”, where the Asian men preyed on and sexually assaulted young white schoolgirls as young as eleven.
The unpublished report was commissioned after the disappearance of fourteen-year-old Charlene Downes in 2003, for which two Middle Eastern takeaway owners were acquitted in 2007.
The same men still run a kebab shop in Blackpool, which was also linked to Paige Chivers, a fifteen-year-old girl who went missing in 2007. Detectives believe she was killed like Charlene, whose body has never been found.
Details released of recent court cases in thirteen towns showed that out of 56 men convicted of multiple offences of grooming girls for sex, 50 were Muslim, and most were Pakistani.
Former Detective Superintendent Mick Gradwell warned that research into the problem was hampered by “political correctness and concerns about upsetting community cohesion”.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
central scotland nf on the rise ,,
central scotland nf held its monthly meeting on saturday 21st may ,the meeting was a great sucsess and alot was spoke about ,membership enquierys are on the rise .theres lots leafleting happing in every ones areas ,if any one wishes more information on our org polease feel free to ask by either emailing this adress nfcentralscotland@yahoo.co.uk or by calling the central scotland enquierys hot line on 07794704162 ,,or contact me through this blog ,as stated we are a support blog of the national front and would be happy to pass any details onto head quarters for memberships enquierys etc .. we are allways happy to help out with any enquierys give us a call the future of a white future for our children lies in the hands of us ,,,the fight back has started ,,,steph 14words central scotland commite member
nationa fronts responce to snp insult on the national front and its candidates
HAIL ALL here is the responce to the snp and there fake nationalist councilers who like to dish out insults to those they fear and that what they dont understand ,,,,,
Lothian Candidates Attacked by SNP Yet Again - 21/05/11
Ms. Constance from the newly victorious SNP has become the latest MSP to attack the Scottish National Front in the local papers. Ms Constance feels deep regret that the Scottish National Front stood a candidate at the May election when in fact we stood 2 candidates in West Lothian.
This is not the first time we have been verbally attacked and denied our democratic rights. Our candidates had 2 hustings cancelled last minute because the rot did not dare to debate with us. Its a shame that the electorate was treated like a bunch of fools. Mark our words we will stand against corruption at every level and will stand against our new fake Nationalist government.
Firstly our Central Scotland candidates pulled in nearly 900 votes in 2 constituencies. This will increase in the coming local council elections as our support grows every day. The Scottish National Front has taken a huge step in the May 5th elections and will continue to grow. Thank you to everyone that has supported us in the fight for true British Nationalism.
We make it clear that we stand against Paedophiles, terrorists (supported by the SNP), murderers, rapists, drugs and offenders of violent crimes. We stand to purify our existing culture to reflect our Northern European heritage.
So attack us and attack us and attack us and we will stand and stand and stand. We will not be broken... EVER!!!
Here is the official National Front Scotland response to Ms. Constance, of which we do not expect a reply as usual:
Lothian Candidates Attacked by SNP Yet Again - 21/05/11
Ms. Constance from the newly victorious SNP has become the latest MSP to attack the Scottish National Front in the local papers. Ms Constance feels deep regret that the Scottish National Front stood a candidate at the May election when in fact we stood 2 candidates in West Lothian.
This is not the first time we have been verbally attacked and denied our democratic rights. Our candidates had 2 hustings cancelled last minute because the rot did not dare to debate with us. Its a shame that the electorate was treated like a bunch of fools. Mark our words we will stand against corruption at every level and will stand against our new fake Nationalist government.
Firstly our Central Scotland candidates pulled in nearly 900 votes in 2 constituencies. This will increase in the coming local council elections as our support grows every day. The Scottish National Front has taken a huge step in the May 5th elections and will continue to grow. Thank you to everyone that has supported us in the fight for true British Nationalism.
We make it clear that we stand against Paedophiles, terrorists (supported by the SNP), murderers, rapists, drugs and offenders of violent crimes. We stand to purify our existing culture to reflect our Northern European heritage.
So attack us and attack us and attack us and we will stand and stand and stand. We will not be broken... EVER!!!
Here is the official National Front Scotland response to Ms. Constance, of which we do not expect a reply as usual:
Dear Angela,
I have been informed that you sent a letter to the west lothian courier and decided in your wisdom to verbally abuse our party. You said and I quote "You deeply regretted that the National Front stood candidates" in the Scottish parliamentary elections on the 5th May. I find this disturbing on several levels and I will explain to you my thoughts on this.
1) What right do you as a member of the "Fake Nationalist" SNP have to criticise our legal right to contest any election in the UK? You belong to a "Multi Cultural" party that bizarrely wants independence from the rest of the UK but wants closer ties with the failed EU. You and your Muslim loving leader are a disgrace to the Scottish people. Ask the people of Scotland if they want these non-christians in our country and the vast majority will say no. Allah Salmond has played a blinder by sucking up to these people and getting their votes. But the real test for your party is when another Islamic atrocity hits our country, and it will sooner or later.
2) We, as a legitimate law abiding party, have the right to contest any elections we choose and will continue to do so in the future. It took over 70 years for the traitors in the SNP to get to where they are today. We don't have 70 years to save our country and race. We might only have 3-4 years to stop the annihilation of the Scottish people and their pure bloodline. But we will succeed and the undesirables will be "Re-settled" to their homelands.
3) Allah Salmond once said that Scotland should be like her tartan "All colours interwoven as one." We all know what this phoney nationalist meant. He wants to destroy our race and create a mongrelised people to govern. This will not be allowed to happen.
I find you to be a very sad individual indeed if you think that the National Front contesting 5 constituencies is worthy of you taking the time to write to the newspapers. You are a non entity and you will be found out just like the rest of the treacherous MSPs that have been elected under the SNP banner.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
MSP offers thanks ror voters support
Through the pages of the west lothian courier,I would like to express my thanks and heartfelt appreciation to the 16,704 people who voted to re-elect me to the Scottish Parliament to serve the new constituency of ALmond valley.
It is an ernormous privilege to continue to represent the community that i was raised in.
West Lothian,both in its history and its people ,has shaped my political and personal out look on life.I might not win every battle but I will certainly fight every battle.
First and foremost my responsibility is to continue to be a conscientious and diligent constituency MSP.
Now that the election is over I would like to emphasise that it is my primary responsibility to represent all of my constituents irrespective of their political affiliations,colour or creed as the scottish national partyaim to represent every strand of scotlands rich tartan.
Through the pages of the west lothian courier,I would like to express my thanks and heartfelt appreciation to the 16,704 people who voted to re-elect me to the Scottish Parliament to serve the new constituency of ALmond valley.
It is an ernormous privilege to continue to represent the community that i was raised in.
West Lothian,both in its history and its people ,has shaped my political and personal out look on life.I might not win every battle but I will certainly fight every battle.
First and foremost my responsibility is to continue to be a conscientious and diligent constituency MSP.
Now that the election is over I would like to emphasise that it is my primary responsibility to represent all of my constituents irrespective of their political affiliations,colour or creed as the scottish national partyaim to represent every strand of scotlands rich tartan.
news from down under again nationalist gets bum deal by law courts
828 all here is a post taken from the bh forum from our brothers down under ,,there fight is our fight as our fight is there fight white unity white pride ,,,,,,,,
An Aboriginal man attacked a person by glassing him in the face and got a non-custodial sentence while a White Australian pensioner got fined $921 for failing to vote.
Just about every one of us can immediately think of a court case where we think it got “out of control”. Recently in Central Queensland there were 2 cases which highlight the need for massive judicial reform. One was a case of assault, a “glassing”. The second around the same time was a case where a pensioner was convicted for not voting in the last State election.
In the glassing case of 6 May 2010, (and in the interests of detail the offender was an aboriginal male and the victim a white man), the offender got off with a non-custodial sentence.
The media coverage showed horrendous lacerations to the face of the victim and he also suffered significant emotional and mental harm adding to the seriousness of the crime (the victim was walking his dog by himself past a suburban hotel in Rockhampton when the offender who had been drinking in company attacked him seemingly without warning with a beer glass ). The security video shown in the media is quite clear.
Presiding magistrate Cameron Press, (who incidentally on his appointment to the bench threatened to deal very severely with offenders in violent street crime), sentenced the offender in September 2010 to 10 months imprisonment with immediate parole. This caused public outcry and in October 2010 police prosecutors lodged an appeal against the “manifestly inadequate sentence”.
In March 2011 His Honour Judge Brian Devereaux of the District Court re-sentenced the offender on appeal to the stiffer penalty of 18 months imprisonment with immediate parole. Obviously a worthwhile exercise all round.
Now compare this with the case of a pensioner before the same judge in the same month. His “crime” - failing to vote. The Electoral Commission prosecuted the pensioner in 2010 (a white man) for ”Failing to Vote without a Valid and Sufficient Excuse” and he was fined $921, which included court costs. The pensioner appealed this conviction and in an appeal in March 2011 Judge Devereaux (the same judge as in the glassing case appeal) did not overturn the original conviction. He did however excuse the pensioner of further costs of court, which saved him from further expenses of $1800.
So there you have it. Attack an innocent passer-by with a beer glass, miss his jugular vein by millimetres, hospitalise him and put tremendous emotional and mental strain on him and walk without imprisonment or even a fine. Fail to vote and feel the heat.
Local Rockhampton Labor state member Robert Schwarten who retires next election and is therefore yesterday’s man, is on public record as refusing even debate the need for judicial reform as he sees this as the “slippery slope to fascism and communism”. According to him the judiciary must remain independent even with the above outcomes. Not withstanding that his government has trade ties to communist China and Vietnam we have to ask: what slippery slope are we already on?
Could it be that the penalties associated with not voting are tied to the fact that the major parties get a monetary kick back from the public purse for every vote they attract. Surely not?
You can probably guess why the glassing offender walked free.
Politics is a funny game. Most people who care at all feel politically helpless. We think we are pawns in the game, sacrificed at the whim of the players. Certainly the ordinary person in any civilized country has very little faith that his concerns matter.
The other side of this is that there is an upper echelon whose wishes matter a lot. These are apparently those who can work the system. Otherwise, we can only conclude that the system is mindless, benefitting no one.
It seems most probable to this writer that the system benefits corporate interests.
These corporate interests are not merely the large shareholder corporates whose capital is privately owned: they also include power centres such as the mass media, the education industry, the legal industry, and the internationally connected secret service world. Those of us who take an interest in history have a pretty clear idea of the power structure in the Middle Ages: it consisted of the warrior nobles and the Church. The nobles kept the mass of the population in subjugation by force of arms, and the Church assisted by deceiving them.
This writer suggests that these two classes, the soldiers and the priests, are still around, it is just that they go by different names today, and the priests teach different doctrines.
One of the most important doctrines is that of universal equality, which is interpreted to mean that we as Australians shouldn’t defend ourselves.
This is not a very friendly message to the average Australian. You don’t matter: it’s all those foreigners who through no fault of yours have got themselves into desperate straits who matter. The government of your country exists not to serve you but to keep itself in the good graces of foreign powers, who happen to want you to take in many, many desperate foreigners.
And you can’t vote against this, because both the parties agree on it.
Who are the people in these parties? In the popular imagination, they consist of many branches, consisting of like-minded people who discuss politics and make suggestions to those at the centres of power, the paid politicians.
Those of us who have been inside the system know it isn’t really like that. Party branches do exist in some places, but many of them consist largely of very old people who are fighting class battles of the past. There are some younger people, but they are mostly unscrupulous careerists. The party structure is a dead structure, maintained to provide the illusion of democracy. Anybody who tries to make adifference by joining and supporting the established political parties is doomed to disappointment. They, like the government, are not there for us.
The flip side of this is that a rotten structure should not be very hard to knock down. Politics is a funny game: a great part of applying political pressure is knowing where and how to press, what string to pull. For historical and public-relations reasons, people are still allowed to vote, and the votes are still validly counted: we saw this when, to the horror of the Establishment, a double-digit number of Pauline Hanson’s supporters were elected to the Queensland Parliament a number of years ago. Third-party activity is a danger sign to the rulers: it tells them that their two-party fraud is not fooling everyone.
Third-party activity often does not get very far, because of ineptitude by the third-party group, or because what they want is inherently insane, as with peaceniks in the past, and the Greens today. This is the challenge for us in Australia First: to conduct ourselves and our political activities in such a way as to achieve the best result we can for the Australian people. It is a great responsibility. The media will be a deadly enemy: they will try to exploit us as they exploited Pauline Hanson. The Labor Party and some of the Liberal-Nationals will condemn us in pseudo-moralistic terms. The rest of the National-Liberals will look to us for preferential voting support.
We can make a difference, at whatever level of activity we are able to manage. The great thing about a dead political structure is that it only requires a few living activists to make a difference. Lenin and Trotsky, who were very wrong in principle but who knew a thing or two about political activism, believed that in a crisis, a dozen or so activists were enough to bring over a regiment of thirty thousand men. They were looking at a bankrupt, discredited political structure, which no one but fools and opportunists believed in. Does that sound familiar?
An Aboriginal man attacked a person by glassing him in the face and got a non-custodial sentence while a White Australian pensioner got fined $921 for failing to vote.
Just about every one of us can immediately think of a court case where we think it got “out of control”. Recently in Central Queensland there were 2 cases which highlight the need for massive judicial reform. One was a case of assault, a “glassing”. The second around the same time was a case where a pensioner was convicted for not voting in the last State election.
In the glassing case of 6 May 2010, (and in the interests of detail the offender was an aboriginal male and the victim a white man), the offender got off with a non-custodial sentence.
The media coverage showed horrendous lacerations to the face of the victim and he also suffered significant emotional and mental harm adding to the seriousness of the crime (the victim was walking his dog by himself past a suburban hotel in Rockhampton when the offender who had been drinking in company attacked him seemingly without warning with a beer glass ). The security video shown in the media is quite clear.
Presiding magistrate Cameron Press, (who incidentally on his appointment to the bench threatened to deal very severely with offenders in violent street crime), sentenced the offender in September 2010 to 10 months imprisonment with immediate parole. This caused public outcry and in October 2010 police prosecutors lodged an appeal against the “manifestly inadequate sentence”.
In March 2011 His Honour Judge Brian Devereaux of the District Court re-sentenced the offender on appeal to the stiffer penalty of 18 months imprisonment with immediate parole. Obviously a worthwhile exercise all round.
Now compare this with the case of a pensioner before the same judge in the same month. His “crime” - failing to vote. The Electoral Commission prosecuted the pensioner in 2010 (a white man) for ”Failing to Vote without a Valid and Sufficient Excuse” and he was fined $921, which included court costs. The pensioner appealed this conviction and in an appeal in March 2011 Judge Devereaux (the same judge as in the glassing case appeal) did not overturn the original conviction. He did however excuse the pensioner of further costs of court, which saved him from further expenses of $1800.
So there you have it. Attack an innocent passer-by with a beer glass, miss his jugular vein by millimetres, hospitalise him and put tremendous emotional and mental strain on him and walk without imprisonment or even a fine. Fail to vote and feel the heat.
Local Rockhampton Labor state member Robert Schwarten who retires next election and is therefore yesterday’s man, is on public record as refusing even debate the need for judicial reform as he sees this as the “slippery slope to fascism and communism”. According to him the judiciary must remain independent even with the above outcomes. Not withstanding that his government has trade ties to communist China and Vietnam we have to ask: what slippery slope are we already on?
Could it be that the penalties associated with not voting are tied to the fact that the major parties get a monetary kick back from the public purse for every vote they attract. Surely not?
You can probably guess why the glassing offender walked free.
Politics is a funny game. Most people who care at all feel politically helpless. We think we are pawns in the game, sacrificed at the whim of the players. Certainly the ordinary person in any civilized country has very little faith that his concerns matter.
The other side of this is that there is an upper echelon whose wishes matter a lot. These are apparently those who can work the system. Otherwise, we can only conclude that the system is mindless, benefitting no one.
It seems most probable to this writer that the system benefits corporate interests.
These corporate interests are not merely the large shareholder corporates whose capital is privately owned: they also include power centres such as the mass media, the education industry, the legal industry, and the internationally connected secret service world. Those of us who take an interest in history have a pretty clear idea of the power structure in the Middle Ages: it consisted of the warrior nobles and the Church. The nobles kept the mass of the population in subjugation by force of arms, and the Church assisted by deceiving them.
This writer suggests that these two classes, the soldiers and the priests, are still around, it is just that they go by different names today, and the priests teach different doctrines.
One of the most important doctrines is that of universal equality, which is interpreted to mean that we as Australians shouldn’t defend ourselves.
This is not a very friendly message to the average Australian. You don’t matter: it’s all those foreigners who through no fault of yours have got themselves into desperate straits who matter. The government of your country exists not to serve you but to keep itself in the good graces of foreign powers, who happen to want you to take in many, many desperate foreigners.
And you can’t vote against this, because both the parties agree on it.
Who are the people in these parties? In the popular imagination, they consist of many branches, consisting of like-minded people who discuss politics and make suggestions to those at the centres of power, the paid politicians.
Those of us who have been inside the system know it isn’t really like that. Party branches do exist in some places, but many of them consist largely of very old people who are fighting class battles of the past. There are some younger people, but they are mostly unscrupulous careerists. The party structure is a dead structure, maintained to provide the illusion of democracy. Anybody who tries to make adifference by joining and supporting the established political parties is doomed to disappointment. They, like the government, are not there for us.
The flip side of this is that a rotten structure should not be very hard to knock down. Politics is a funny game: a great part of applying political pressure is knowing where and how to press, what string to pull. For historical and public-relations reasons, people are still allowed to vote, and the votes are still validly counted: we saw this when, to the horror of the Establishment, a double-digit number of Pauline Hanson’s supporters were elected to the Queensland Parliament a number of years ago. Third-party activity is a danger sign to the rulers: it tells them that their two-party fraud is not fooling everyone.
Third-party activity often does not get very far, because of ineptitude by the third-party group, or because what they want is inherently insane, as with peaceniks in the past, and the Greens today. This is the challenge for us in Australia First: to conduct ourselves and our political activities in such a way as to achieve the best result we can for the Australian people. It is a great responsibility. The media will be a deadly enemy: they will try to exploit us as they exploited Pauline Hanson. The Labor Party and some of the Liberal-Nationals will condemn us in pseudo-moralistic terms. The rest of the National-Liberals will look to us for preferential voting support.
We can make a difference, at whatever level of activity we are able to manage. The great thing about a dead political structure is that it only requires a few living activists to make a difference. Lenin and Trotsky, who were very wrong in principle but who knew a thing or two about political activism, believed that in a crisis, a dozen or so activists were enough to bring over a regiment of thirty thousand men. They were looking at a bankrupt, discredited political structure, which no one but fools and opportunists believed in. Does that sound familiar?
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
New blood and honour Division for the Midlands
828 all and the white resistance movement grow and grows every day ,bh have announced on the bh 28 forum a new division for midlands .as we know blood and honour is the white rock n roll resistance voice of the white folk of the world ,stared by the late great ian stuart donaldson in the early 80s ,BH has went from a uk bassed org to a world wide confederacy of white folk, whos out let through there music in the daily fight against the enemys of our heratrige and culture ,BH bands dont want millions they dont want fame they dont want main stream chart top 10 hits ( but i would love to see skrewdrivers white power reach no 1 in the nigger left charts )there music comes from the hearts its is the flames that keep the fight for the 14words alive and kicking .i would like to take this chance to say best of luck to the new division and hope to be at a midlands div gig b4 long ,,hail blood and honour hail ian stuart donaldson ,but most inportant hail to all of you who keep bh and other white resistance orgs or movments going in this harsh world were we are jailed and persicuted for being proud white folk and makeing our way through life ,central scotland national front salutes you one and all 828 266 hail
Sunday, 1 May 2011
nf support from a mysterious source, is it a sine of the times
Today in witburn scotland sines supporting the nf scotland started to appear and nf central scotland can say truthfully it wasnt us or any of our members ,all around the area from out side pubs shops at crossings roundabouts folk started seeing these support sines ,this is a great boost to the national fronts election campaing wich comes to a head on the 5th of may this thursday when we go to the polls ,it lets us see at the nf that non members are willing to take time out to go roung there local areas and post such things the country is finaly awakeing to the plight of its true white folk ,the fight back has begun ,,,i would like to take this opertunity to thank the strangers whom no one saw and we at nf central dont know the identitys of these supporters ,thank you for your help i hope we get to meet you some time and thank you in person .when scotland goes to the polls next week i hope more folk realise that they have another choice in there voteing papper and vote national front ,we have 6 candidates in all 2 in lothian area and 4 in aberdeen areas of scotland ,vote for change this thursday 5th may 2011 vote national front and stop this land sinking further in to the abiss ,,,,,
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