Today in witburn scotland sines supporting the nf scotland started to appear and nf central scotland can say truthfully it wasnt us or any of our members ,all around the area from out side pubs shops at crossings roundabouts folk started seeing these support sines ,this is a great boost to the national fronts election campaing wich comes to a head on the 5th of may this thursday when we go to the polls ,it lets us see at the nf that non members are willing to take time out to go roung there local areas and post such things the country is finaly awakeing to the plight of its true white folk ,the fight back has begun ,,,i would like to take this opertunity to thank the strangers whom no one saw and we at nf central dont know the identitys of these supporters ,thank you for your help i hope we get to meet you some time and thank you in person .when scotland goes to the polls next week i hope more folk realise that they have another choice in there voteing papper and vote national front ,we have 6 candidates in all 2 in lothian area and 4 in aberdeen areas of scotland ,vote for change this thursday 5th may 2011 vote national front and stop this land sinking further in to the abiss ,,,,,
Awesome blog steph,thats fantastic that NF posters are up for the election,i wish i knew who put them up,they deserve a medal,superb,thats what supports all about,our supporters are the best,get it up them reds.14 words.