Sunday, 31 July 2011
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Are you a muslim ?
Are you a muslim ?
1. If You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
You may be a Muslim
2. If You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.
You may be a Muslim
3. If You have more wives than teeth.
You may be a Muslim
4. If You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean.
You may be a Muslim
5. If You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
You may be a Muslim
6. If You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against.
You may be a Muslim
7. If You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
You may be a Muslim
8. If You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
You may be a Muslim
9. If You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
You may be a Muslim
10. If You find this offensive or racist and don't forward it.
You may be a Muslim
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Top Nazi Rudolf Hess exhumed from 'pilgrimage' grave
The grave holding the remains of Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess has been destroyed to stop it being used as a pilgrimage site by neo-Nazis.
Hess's bones were exhumed at the graveyard in the town of Wunsiedel, southern Germany, early on Wednesday.
The remains will be cremated and then scattered at sea.
Hess was captured after flying to Britain in 1941 and sentenced to life in prison. He killed himself in a Berlin jail in 1987 at the age of 93.
As he requested in his will, he was buried in the small Bavarian town of Wunsiedel, where his family had a holiday home and where his parents were already interred.
The local Lutheran church which supervises the cemetery gave its permission for the burial at the time, ruling that the wishes of the deceased could not be ignored, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper reports.
But they and local people have since become concerned by the number of far-right groups visiting the grave.
Each year on the anniversary of his death, neo-Nazis have attempted to stage a march to the cemetery, saluting the grave with its epitaph "I dared", and laying floral wreaths.
Rudolph Hess
- 1894: Born in Alexandria, Egypt
- 1914-18: Serves during WWI, ending war as lieutenant
- 1920: Joins Hitler's fledgling Nazi party
- 1923: Imprisoned with Hitler and becomes his secretary
- 1933: Becomes Hitler's deputy after his rise to power
- 1941: Seeks peace with Britain by flying solo to Scotland. Detained in Britain
- 1946: Convicted of crimes against peace at Nuremberg Trials and given life sentence
- 1947: Transferred to Spandau Prison in Berlin
- 1987: Found hanged
A 2005 court order banning such gatherings had little effect so the church decided to terminate the family's lease on the grave as of October 2011.
A granddaughter of Hess objected to the decision, the paper reports.
She filed a lawsuit in an attempt to prevent it going ahead, but was eventually persuaded by the parish council to drop the case and allow the exhumation to go ahead.
Hess was one of Hitler's closest aides. But in 1941 he made a solo flight to Scotland, where his plane crash-landed, in an apparently unauthorised peace mission which was denounced by the fuhrer.
He was imprisoned by the British for the duration of the war.
At the Nuremberg Trials in 1946, Hess was cleared of war crimes and crimes against humanity but convicted of crimes against peace and jailed for life.
He spent 40 years in Spandau Prison in Berlin.
He was the last remaining inmate at the prison when he was found hanged there in August 1987
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Muslims call to set up three Islamic enclaves in UK ruled only by sharia law « Creeping Sharia
The Daily Mail refers to these Muslims as extremists. But are Muslim conquests of non-Muslim territory extreme or a central theme in Islam’s history? Is this request more extreme than ‘Palestinians’ waging jihad for a separate state? More extreme than Muslims in Kashmir, the Philippines, Russia, Serbia, or any other place? History suggests not. via Islamic extremists call to set up three independent states in the UK that fall under Shariah law | Mail Online.
Islamic extremists have called on British Muslims to establish three independent states in the UK.
The notorious Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) group have named Yorkshire towns Bradford and Dewsbury and Tower Hamlets in East London as testbeds for blanket sharia rule.
The medieval ‘emirates’ would function as autonomous territories and operate entirely outside British law, according to a document on their website.
The MAC group, led by Abu Assadullah, was set up last year and has grown in infamy because of its violent protests, most provocatively burning poppies during the Remembrance Day silence.
Under the heading ‘Muslims should set up Islamic emirates in the UK’ the document states: ‘We suggest it is time that areas with large Muslim populations declare an emirate delineating that Muslims trying to live within this area are trying to live by the sharia as much as possible with their own courts and community watch and schools and even self sufficient trade.
‘Likely areas for these projects might be Dewsbury or Bradford or Tower Hamlets to begin with.
‘In time we can envisage that the whole of the sharia might one day be implemented starting with these enclaves.’
The call is likely to cause anger among moderate Muslims and community leaders in the areas earmarked.
London 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan lived in Dewsbury, which has battled to diffuse extremism in recent years.
The suicide bomber studied at Dewsbury College and was radicalised at the mosque in the town near Leeds.
In 2007, it was alleged that a number of Muslims in Dewsbury were running an illegal Islamic court from a school and similar claims have been made in Tower Hamlets and Bradford.
Tower Hamlets council was last year accused of falling under the control of extremist groups following a documentary by the Daily Telegraph journalist Andrew Gilligan.
Other inflammatory instructions include demanding the release of all Muslim prisoners, a ban on Muslims joining the police or armed forces and a rejection of British democracy.
The document concludes: ‘We can conclude that measures by the UK government are nothing more than an attempt by them to strip the Muslim community of their Islamic identity and to integrate them into the non-Islamic way of life which is totally rejected by Islam and Muslims.’
Tower Hamlets and Kirklees Council, the local authority for Dewsbury, refused to comment.

A 19-year-old woman provided two ‘terrified’ Blackburn girls for a gang of men to rape, a jury was told.
Stephanie Knight lured the 16 year-olds to a dark, derelict house in Accrington where three men carried out repeated attacks, the court heard.
Knight had set the trap for the sexual gratification of ‘her boys’, the jury was told.
After a mobile phone call in which Knight said she had ‘got them’, the girls were collected and plied with drink and drugs, the court heard.
The prosecution said one of the teenagers was repeatedly raped in different rooms of the house in Craven Street, the court heard.
The jury was told the men took it in turns to abuse her, while the second girl was subjected to a sex act and rape in a car.
Knight, of Preston New Road, Blackburn, Shahid Hussain, 37, of Drake Street, Butt, 39, of St Albans Street, both Rochdale and Amjad Hussain, 34, of Sharples Street, Accrington, deny all the charges.
Nick Courtney, prosecuting, told Burnley Crown Court Knight, then aged 17, had invited the girls out for the evening on December 5.
Mr Courtney told the court Knight was said to have received a phone call and spoke on her mobile, saying she had ‘got them’.
At about 10pm, they were picked up by Amjad Hussain, driven from Blackburn to Accrington, and then got into a large 4x4 vehicle with Butt at the wheel, the jury was told.
Both girls made the men aware they were 16, Mr Courtney said.
Drink was bought in Accrington and the car was then driven to the Asda at Burnley, where it was captured on CCTV.
Amjad Hussain added vodka to some bottles of Coca Cola before giving them to the girls, who were also given drugs to smoke, the court heard.
The first girl would say she felt ‘smashed’ and the second girl that she was drunk.
Mr Courtney said the girls were then taken to the empty terrace house where Shahid Hussain had already arrived.
All the lights were off and there was no furniture.
The barrister said: “In the house the prosecution allege Shahid Hussain, Tanveer Butt and Amjad Hussain subjected the first girl to a terrifying ordeal."
The prosecutor said the first assault happened when one of the girls went upstairs to use the bathroom.
Butt went in, refused to leave and forced her to give him oral sex, the jury was told.
The court heard that when she came out of the room, the Hussain brothers were on the landing, and she was dragged into a bedroom by Shahid Hussain, who slid a wardrobe against the door and raped her.
The girl shouted for the second girl but Knight and Butt prevented her from going to her by stopping her on the stairs, Mr Courtney said.
Knight told the girl that her friend was ‘chilling’, the jury was told.
Amjad Hussain took the first girl into the attic, gave her another cannabis joint and forced her, whilst she was crying, to perform a sex act, the jury was told.
Mr Courtney said Butt then raped her again.
Knight is also alleged to have threatened the frightened second girl when she refused to perform sex acts on the men.
The prosecutor told the jury the two girls were taken home in the early hours by Amjad Hussain.
In the car, he orally raped them both and committed a sex act on the second girl after pulling a knife on her, the court heard.
Mr Courtney said the alleged victims made complaints to the police that day.
The first girl was found to be cut and bruised when she was medically examined. The defendants were arrested.
Amjad Hussain claimed he had been with the girls on that night and had consensual sexual encounters with each of them.
Knight's case was that oral sexual activity was consensual and she told police she did not get the girls to go there so the men at the house could rape them.
Knight, who told officers she was Amjad Hussain's girlfriend, was said to have referred to the defendants as her ‘boys’.
Amjad Hussain claimed he had been with the girls on that night and had consensual sexual encounters with each of them.
Knight's case was that oral sexual activity was consensual and she told police she did not get the girls to go there so the men at the house could rape them.
Mr Courtney said :"The other two defendants' case is that they were not with Amjad Hussain, Stephanie Knight and the complainants that night and that they had never met either of the complainants, let alone been involved in any sex of any kind with them."
Mr Courtney said: “The defendants' accounts in interview are untrue.
"The agreement was that Stephanie Knight would provide girls for the defendants to have non consensual sex with that night."
All four defendantsl deny two counts of conspiracy to rape, between December 4 and 7, 2009.
Butt also pleads not guilty to three charges of rape against one of the girls and aiding and abetting Shahid Hussain to rape her.
Knight denies aiding and abetting rape, Shahid Hussain pleads not guilty to three counts of rape against the girl and Amjad Hussain denies two allegations of raping the girl and rape and assault by penetration against the second girl.
Anti-fascist' cranks face jail after "vicious" attack follow up report
Fresh faced thug Jonathan Wood could soon be behind bars |
A mob of up to 30 'anti-fascists' attacked two men making their way to a nationalist rock concert at Welling train station in Kent. The masked and hooded 'anti-fascists' had lined a railway platform waiting for the two men to get off a train and then attacked them on hearing the signal "Kill the Nazis!", a court heard. Patrick O'Donovan was punched and kicked to the ground by the 'anti-fascist' mob, while his companion Michael Heihl, a German tourist, was chased along the railway tracks and violently assaulted by other members of the mob. The attack happened in March 2009 and the 'anti-fascist' mob had earlier joined up to 35,000 demonstrators on a 'Put People First' march through central London as part of the anti-capitalist G20 protests which later turned violent. They had then met at London Bridge station before travelling by train to Welling to wait for people to ambush and attack. Twenty three individuals were arrested by police after the attack and eleven later prosecuted. Seven were convicted and four acquitted after a trial. For future reference, the twenty three individuals arrested were: Andrew Baker, Alexander Bilton, Thomas Blak, Pavel Braun, Christopher Bray, Ian Childs, Toby Coe, Sean Cregan, Philip de Sousa, Mark S De Wolf, Ravinder S Gill, Benjamin Hayes, Richard Hindes, Austen Jackson, David J Lewis, Duncan J Money, Stephen Pelly, Dominic Rollin, Joseph Rollin, Farad Salas, Charlotte Travers, Jonathan Wood and Maurizio Zippo. Ringleaders Andrew Baker, 40, from Basildon, Ravinder Gill, 39, from Bedford, Sean Cregan, 44, from Streathem, Philip de Sousa, 37, from Brighton, Austen Jackson, 40, from Westcliff-on-Sea, Thomas Blak, 34, from Hackney and Jonathan Wood, 22, from Leeds, though originally from Maryport, in Cumbria, were convicted of conspiring to commit violent disorder. Baker, Gill, Cregan and de Sousa, who were jailed for 21 months, are currently in HMP Wormwood Scrubs in London following the trial, while Jackson, Blak and Wood will be sentenced in August and face a maximum sentence of five years in prison following their convictions. During the trial, Mark Trafford, prosecuting, said: " Whatever these people's actual views about life, politics or anything else, whatever groups they may or may not be members of, they didn't deserve to be attacked in this way. The attack was vicious." Police used mobile phone records and CCTV footage to link the masked attackers to the scene of the attack. Jonathan Wood and his friend Duncan Money, both originally from Maryport, were members of the trotskyite communist Socialist Party of England and Wales (SPEW), the successor organisation to the far-left Militant Tendency which successfully infiltrated the Labour Party after the Second World War until Labour leader Neil Kinnock purged them in the 1980s. Despite his membership of SPEW, Wood actually contested a seat on Allerdale Council for the Labour Party in 2008. His parents Janice and Martin Wood are both Labour Councillors on Allerdale Council representing a ward in Maryport where they both live. Duncan Money recently graduated from Oxford University where he studied Politics and History. He aspires to be a journalist but while members of SPEW, both he and Wood campaigned vigorously against the British National Party in Cumbria. While his friend Jonathan Wood faces possibly five years in jail, surely a job at the BBC now beckons for Duncan Money? Civil Liberty will watch future career developments with interest. |
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Govan Under The Bridge 2011
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Seven anti-fascist protesters are facing jail today for plotting to ambush two men making their way to a 'neo-Nazi' event.
The masked and hooded demonstrators lined a railway platform waiting for their targets to get off a train, and attacked on hearing the command: "Kill the Nazis", the court heard.
Patrick O'Donovan was punched and kicked to the ground and his companion Michael Heihl was chased onto the tracks at Welling station, Kent, the jury was told.
Ringleader Andrew Baker, 40, Ravinder Gill, 39, Sean Cregan, 44, Philip de Sousa, 37, Austen Jackson, 40, Thomas Blak, 34, and Jonathan Wood, 22, were convicted of conspiring to commit violent disorder.
Four others were cleared after a trial at Blackfriars Crown court. The seven found guilty will be sentenced in August and face a maximum sentence of five years.
Mr O'Donovan and Mr Heihl were set upon as they made their way to a nearby pub in March 2009 which was holding a rock concert organised by the reight wing extremists Blood and Honour.
The defendants had earlier joined up to 35,000 demonstrators on a Put People First march through central London as part of the G20 protests.
They met at London Bridge station before travelling by train to their intended target.
During the trial, Mark Trafford, prosecuting, said: "Whatever these people's actual views about life, politics or anything else, whatever groups they may or may not be members of, they didn't deserve to be attacked in this way. The attack was vicious."
Police later used mobile phone records and CCTV footage to link the attackers to the scene.
Baker, of Basildon, Blak, of Hackney, Wood, of Leeds, Jackson, of Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, Gill, of Bedford, Cregan, of Streatham, and de Sousa, of Brighton, were found guilty of conspiring to commit violent disorder.
Friday, 1 July 2011